Sunday Supper

Sunday Supper is an important initiative by blogger Isabel Laessig of Family Foodie. Her simple mission is to bring back Sunday supper around the family table (whatever family means to you).

Sunday Supper badgeJoining her in this mission are food writers who agree that gathering at least once a week for a family dinner is the most important thing we can do as a family. And what starts out once a week soon grows into a daily habit. At my house, we are lucky enough to be able to eat dinner together each night. It’s a time to share stories about our day, dream about the future, tell a joke, enjoy each other’s company, tease…

Each Sunday, the #SundaySupper group puts together wonderful recipes based on a theme. For more information check out Isabel’s page.

Here are my posts that contain all of the group’s recipe links since I first joined:




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