Food Bloggers Los Angeles (FBLA)
I’m a proud leader of Food Bloggers Los Angeles, the vibrant band of passionate cooks and bloggers from Southern California.
We meet monthly for a potluck based around a theme — chocolate! potatoes! salads! grilling! — and for an instructional/informational/practical discussion of a specific topic relating to blogging, social media and food. It’s the best, most helpful group in the country.
Visiting? If you are a food blogger and are visiting Los Angeles, please check in and see if we have a meeting coming up during your visit, and join us. We welcome bloggers of all experiences levels, from the newbies to the veterans. In our midst are entrepreneurs, chefs, cookbook authors, food stylists, restauranteurs, meal planning service owners, nutritionists, professional writers and editors, lawyers, marketers, Internet businesses, graphic artistists…the whole gamut of interesting people and jobs.
Find us! You can find…
- our basic page on Facebook
- our private group on Google+ (where we plan meetings and do our substantive discussions)
- or you can reach me at DReinhold {at} charter {dot} net.
- We’re on Pinterest, where you can see our delicious recipes in living color! Follow this board…
Follow Dorothy’s board Food Bloggers Los Angeles (FBLA) on Pinterest.
Often after a meeting, I’ll do a roundup of recipes from members. It’s a delicious way to get a taste of who we are.
Food Bloggers Los Angeles Recipe Roundups
Feb. 2014: Chocolate and Champagne
Dec. 2013: Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange (our biggest meeting of the year!)
March 2013: Heritage Recipes
Feb. 2013: Soups and Stews
Jan. 2013: Kale-a-palooza
Dec. 2012: Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange
Nov. 2012: Thanksgiving
Oct. 2012: Pumpkin
Sept: 2012: Apples and Pears
Aug. 2012: Zucchini and Tomatoes
June 2012: July 4 food
April 2012: Mother’s Day
Feb. 2012: Potatoes
Dec. 2011: Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange
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