I know you’re going to have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dessert, but do you have anyone in your family who isn’t a big pumpkin fan?
I have the solution. 2-Ingredient Flourless Nutella Cake. That’s right. Two ingredients, and you can offer an alternative dessert that just might nudge the pie off the buffet table.
The batter whips up in 15-ish minutes, and the cake bakes in under 30. There…I’ve taken away all your excuses.
Let’s turn on the oven and get this Nutella-licious baby in there.
A rich, dense, decadent, gluten-free 2-ingredient Flourless Nutella Cake that has the simplest preparation for a wallop of flavor.
- 4 large eggs
- 8.5 ounces Nutella (weigh it on a digital scale. 8.5 ounces by weight is not the same as 8.5 ounces liquid measure)
- .
- Garnish: powdered sugar, fresh berries, vanilla ice cream (optional)
- Heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Grease an 8-inch round Springform pan. Don't be shy with the shortening or whatever you use, because this cake WILL stick if you're not careful.
- In a mixing bowl using a stand mixer, beat the eggs until they are triple in volume. Use the highest speed and plan on mixing at least 8-10 minutes. (If you don't get the consistency and volume right, you're going to have some issues so it's important to follow this and not try to shorten the time. This is truly the step that will make the cake, so don’t skip this.) ShockD tip: I used a regular beater for 5 minutes, and then switched to a whip beater for the last few minutes.
- Weigh the Nutella on a digital kitchen scale and place it in a glass bowl (be sure to get all the Nutella in the bowl; it can be sticky). Microwave the Nutella about 20 seconds or so to soften it just a bit. Into the Nutella, gently mix by hand (with a spatula or scraper) about 1/3 of the egg mixture, until egg is well combined and there are no streaks.
- Add in another 1/3 of the egg mixture and repeat, folding again until there are no egg streaks. Repeat one last time with the last of the egg mixture, using the spatula to scrape the egg foam that is still in the bowl into the batter. Stir again until no streaks remain. (The gentle and slow combining of the ingredients is how this cake bakes up fluffy, so don't skip any of these steps or do them differently.)
- Pour batter into prepared Springform pan. Bake at 350F degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
- Remove from oven and allow cake to cool completely to room temperature before you remove it from the pan. This cake should NOT be served hot; it needs to cool completely before cutting and serving. (Cooling allows the chocolate flavor to fully develop, and reduces the eggy flavor.)
- Garnish at serving time with a dusting of powdered sugar, a couple of fresh berries, or even a small scoop of vanilla ice cream, if you like (all entirely optional).
- Serves 8.
Note on size: To get a taller cake, bake in a 7-inch round Springform pan. You’ll probably need to bake it a couple minutes longer.
Recipe source: Crazed Mom who got it from Kirbie’s Cravings
If you like this recipe, please pin the image below to your Pinterest board.
Today’s recipe comes from Nicole, a St. Louis-based food blogger who writes Crazed Mom. She has earned her blog title, as a mom to five, and a new-ish grandma, too. I’m exhausted just thinking about her life!
I was assigned her blog as part of Secret Recipe Club. I was to investigate and cook from her site this month, and today is our “reveal day.” It also happens to be the last day of my participation in Secret Recipe Club, as it is disbanding after this month. It has been a fun ride for the past 5 years, and I’ve enjoyed having a chance to spelunk deeply into other food blogs to find new recipe treasures. You can see all my SRC recipes on this page, as well as the ones that others chose to make from my blog.
I’ve also made some great online friends through SRC. From my earliest involvement under the tutelage of April, to more recent years under the guidance of Sara and Susan, the Secret Recipe Club has been a wonderful experience, filled with fellowship and delicious recipe sharing. These are the best, most collegial people around. Each month I tease Sally about beating her to recipe selection, and now we have Karen and Sidsel joining in as well, to see who can find their designated recipe first and get it on the stove on into the oven. Luckily, my cooking friends aren’t going anywhere, and I will continue to stalk their blogs for good eats to share with you, dear readers.
Nicole has quite the treasure chest of recipes, from her decade-plus online writing career. I was tempted by her…
- Boston Cream Pie Waffles — a luscious, silky pastry cream sandwiched between two vanilla Belgian Waffles covered with a rich, smooth chocolate ganache. OMG!
- Tuna-Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms – I am so intrigued by these. I could see them for dinner with a green salad alongside.
- Gingerbread Crinkle Cookies – Could these be any more perfect for holiday baking?
But as soon as I saw the 2-Ingredient Flourless Nutella Cake, I stood up and saluted. Take a look at her photo to the right, which is her version. See what I mean?
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2 ingredients? This is brilliant- must make this!!!!
What!? This blows my mind how easy it is! I am in love with this recipe!
This looks amazing- and two ingredients is right up my alley!
What a fantastic recipe, Dorothy!
I have never heard of this recipe but it looks like so much fun to make.
It’s so hard to believe that this delicious looking cake has only two ingredients. It looks amazing. I must try it!
Nutella and eggs only? That’s crazy! But it looks wonderful.
It DOES sound cray, but it WORKS!
I love how simple yet delicious this recipe is! A must have for us!
What a fun recipe, this would be perfect to make with my 6 and 4 year old kids, they’d have a blast!
How much easier can that get?! This looks amazing!
One of things I’ll miss most is the monthly competition between you and Sally, and now Karen and Sid. It’s been so fun doing SRC with you, and I know our paths will continue to cross :-). LOVE Nicole’s blog!!!!! I’m allergic to nuts, but your other choices look perfect for our table.
Aw Dorothy, so excited you picked this for your final SRC reveal. We make this a lot because it’s so easy. I’m going to be pretty sad missing out on your wars each month with the girls to see who makes what first. I know I will see you elsewhere but I will miss having SRC with you!
Same back atcha. I’m sad about SRC closing, but I know I will *see* you around. <3
This is sooooo amazing!! I would have assumed a box cake mix (as part of the 2-ingredients) but you have floored me!
Just another way Nutella is the perfect food. 🙂
A wonderful recipe and a great pick. I actually made this the other week fron Nicole’s blog and it is definitely one to make again and again
Baking Fanatic,
We were probably baking it on the same day!
I give in, I’ll go buy another jar of Nutella. Which if you can believe it will be only the second time I’ll have bought it. I’ve got a Nutella Recipe coming up later on in the month, but I’m bookmarking this one to make as soon as I get that new stove. It sounds like a winner.
Costco, my dear. 2 big honkin’ jars wrapped together. Nirvana.
I’m still all about the pumpkin pie (or these Pumpkin Pie Crumb Bars which I made last year for an SRC post), but this cake sounds absolutely amazing. How is that possible with just eggs and Nutella? I am definitely going to have to try it.
Some of my favorite recipes have come from my forays into all the great food blogs I’ve come in contact with through SRC.
Just printed those Pumpkin Pie Crumb Bars to try. OMG they look good!
Nutella is almost a forbidden item in our home, because … because… I lose it around it
Just looking at this picture got me drooling… .outstanding!
yes, very sad to see a final chapter in our adventures, but I AIN’t GOING ANYWHERE! 😉
And I intend to needle you every chance I get!
What a FABULOUS recipe and one that is great for the last SRC, which is very sad – let’s keep in touch! Karen
I would be happy on Thanksgiving with this cake. I cannot believe this is just 2 ingredients. Happy Reveal Day!
That’s just amazing!!! Excellent choice. I’m going to miss SRC, but I know we will get together for LAFB, and I’m eternally grateful for your friendship. You are wonderful. I’m just sad I never had your blog!
Right back atcha! See you soon, maybe December for the cookie exchange?
Most definitely!