Sweet Basil Deviled Eggs

by Dorothy Reinhold on October 10, 2010

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Retro deviled eggs are always snapped up first among the appetizers on a buffet table. Why? I have my theories.

  • They’re cute.
  • They’re a bite, maybe two.
  • Even if you’re trying not to eat too many eggs, you probably can’t resist a deviled egg half, sweetly calling your name.

I like to play with the flavors, so the first bite is something of a surprise. Not crazy, but interesting.

This version – Sweet Basil Deviled Eggs – came about when I had some leftover awesome Basil-Honey Dressing. I was e-mailing a friend who said she had made the dressing, and I suggested squirting some of it on a hard-boiled egg, to punch up the bland egg.

That was the ah-ha moment. If I was going to drizzle, I might as well go all out and try making deviled eggs with it. And so these were born.

Sweet Basil Deviled Eggs

These are garnished with a tiny basil leaf. You could use chives or pine nuts

Recipe: Sweet Basil Deviled Eggs

Cut eggs in half, lengthwise, and remove yolks to a mixing bowl (pop them out with your finger). To bowl with egg yolks, add dressing, mayonnaise, salt, pepper and hot sauce, and blend well, using either a fork or electric mixer. Stir in basil and chives. Taste and adjust seasonings, adding another squirt of hot sauce, or a pinch more salt or pepper, if needed.

Spoon yolk filling into a small zipper-top plastic bag (snack bag size), seal tightly, and snip off one tiny bottom corner. Squeeze the filling into each egg cavity, portioning equally. Discard bag when all filling has been used. Garnish the top of each egg with a basil leaf, or some snipped chives, or a couple of toasted pine nuts. Garnishing is half the fun of deviled eggs!

Makes 12 half eggs.

Hot sauce note: The amount of hot sauce needed will depend on what kind you use, and how spicy you like your food. It might take only a drop if you use something like Tabasco Habanera, or a small squirt if you use regular Tabasco, or perhaps 1/4-1/2 teaspoon if you use a milder sauce. Suit your own taste buds in the spice department.

Sweet Basil Deviled Eggs

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Lynne @ CookandBeMerry October 11, 2010 at 9:27 pm

Very cute and I like your food styling. Great plate. I bet these are really tasty with the basil dressing. Oh ya, deviled eggs are killah.


Nancy@acommunaltable October 11, 2010 at 11:39 am

These eggs are sweetly calling… oh no…. they are virtually screaming at me!!! Why is it that I love all the things I shouldn’t eat too much of?? (have an egg allergy). But these.. these are definitely worth splurging for!!

Definitely bookmarked for the round of holiday parties coming up!


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