Emergency contacts for Sunset Mesa (and Malibu, Pacific Palisades)

Here are websites, links and contacts for agencies helpful in fire and natural disaster emergencies relating to Sunset Mesa and neighboring Pacific View Estates (adjacent to the Getty Villa), Malibu and Pacific Palisades.
Because Sunset Mesa is in unincorporated L.A. County (but with a Malibu mailing address), and Pacific View Estates is in the City of Los Angeles, there can be overlapping agencies that cover the area.
For example, L.A. City Fire, and L.A. County Fire, or LAPD (city police) or L.A. Sheriffs (county police). Sunset Mesa is NOT within the city of Malibu, but it has a Malibu mailing address.
My advice:
- Bookmark these sites and put them all in a bookmark folder labeled “emergencies” or something like that, on your Chrome browser bookmark area. Then you can simply open the bookmark folder when you want an update, and click to open whatever sites you like, and they will open in new Chrome tabs.
- Take note of what the fire or incident is officially called (#Palisadesfire, for example), and on any of the social media sites like Twitter, you can search the hashtag to find more about that specific fire.
- Call 911 if you have an emergency
Main helpful sites for fires
Phone apps
—DOWNLOAD the Watch Duty app for real-time fire tracking THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND HELPFUL. It will also show status of evacuation zones
—PulsePoint app an app for your phone that allows you use see alerts on calls being responded to by fire departments and EMTs.
—Citizen app an app for your phone that alerts you when crimes, emergencies and dangerous events happen in your area. Users near the scene can upload videos of what’s going on, so often there will be videos of the fire in question.
–local radio station 99.1 KBUU for updates
–Check the Genasys Evacuation Map for the latest evac zones https://protect.genasys.com/
–Check malibucity.org
–Check lacounty.gov/emergency
T-CEP (Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness) LOOK AT T-CEP FIRST!
T-CEP page
–When the page opens, you’ll see an “emergency status” box along the top. Click that and it will open to more detail, updated as frequently as they can (many times a day if there is an active fire threatening the area). If there are evacuations, they will post the map, which is clickable. The page auto-refreshes.
–During an emergency, they have an active Twitter feed @TCEP90290. You can also get to their Twitter feed from this website, by clicking the blue Twitter bird at the top.
T-CEP is a non-profit, volunteer organization to help the Topanga community prepare for and cope with disasters such as wildfires, floods and earthquakes. It deals in confirmed fact, no rumor or hearsay.
Los Angeles Fire Department
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Cal Fire
AlertCA. (cameras in wildlands)
Temescal Trailhead2 camera
Temescal Trailhead1 camera
Tracking aircraft
Highway closures
CALL 911 for emergency
General help
Sunset Mesa is covered by the L.A. County Sheriff (which covers unincorporated Malibu).
The Lost Hills Station dispatches to Sunset Mesa.
Twitter: @LHSLASD
Instagram for Lost Hills Sheriff
Red Cross
City of Malibu
News Sources
Instagram: @thelocalmalibu
Website: The Local Malibu
Twitter feeds (if your preferred site to follow incidents is Twitter).
Twitter is now renamed X
@lafd (city of Los Angeles)
@laCoFDPIO (official Twitter feed of L.A. County FD Public Info Office, for emergency incident-driven info)
@LACoFD (official feed of the L.A. County Fire Dept.)
@LAFDwest (West bureau, which covers our area; NOT AS UP TO DATE AS THE 2 ACCOUNTS ABOVE)
@CAL_FIRE (Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection for the state)
@TCEP90290 (Topanga Coalition for Emergency Preparedness)
@RedCrossLA (Red Cross Los Angeles region, for those who need help in finding shelter overnight if evacuated)
@LHSLASD (L.A. Sheriffs Dept. Lost Hills Station. Lost Hills is the station that covers Sunset Mesa)
@LASDHQ (L.A. County Sheriffs)
@CHPWestValley (California Highway Patrol West Valley, which is the station that covers Sunset Mesa [unincorporated Malibu] )
@991KBU (99.1 KBUU Radio Malibu)
@TheMalibuTimes (The Malibu Times)
@MalibuNews (Malibu Surfside News)
@MalibuSAR (Malibu Search and Rescue)
@NWSLosAngeles (National Weather Service Los Angeles)
Lesser-Emergency Numbers for Sunset Mesa
Sheriff (Lost Hills Station, non-emergency): 818 878-1808
Edison (to report a power outage): 800 611-1911
SoCal Gas Co. (to report gas leak or if you smell gas): 800 427-2200
Trash (Universal Waste Systems Inc.): 800 631-7016. Trash is picked up on Tuesday morning. Office open M-F 8-5p, Sat 8-noon. We are in the County of Los Angeles Malibu Garbage Disposal District.
Trash holidays are Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Bulk Pickup: free, unlimited bulky item pick-up service at any time of year (6 items per pickup; Thursday is bulk items day but you must call ahead to tell them what you have and reserve their time; you can’t just put it out on the curb without calling.)
Water District 29:
Water emergency during working hours (water main break, etc.): 877 637-3661
Water emergency after-5 p.m. and weekends emergency line: 626 458-4357
Graffiti: If you notice graffiti in the Mesa, call neighbor John Lehne, who will eradicate it. 310 394-6463
SMPOA (Sunset Mesa Property Owners Association):
Website: Sunset Mesa
SMPOAboard@gmail.com, addressed to appropriate position (put President in subject line, or Treasurer, depending on what your problem is)
SunsetmesaAC@gmail.com (Architecture Committee)
Current president (May 2021) is Ed Weitzer
Air Quality
To see the air quality of our area (perhaps due to smoke from area fires?), go to a couple of different sites:
—Air Quality Index for Coastline Drive
—Plume Labs’ Air Quality in Santa Monica (closest reading)
—Air Quality for Pacific Palisades, from WeatherBug (closest reading)
–this South Coast Air Quality Management District air quality map and click on “Current Hourly Air Quality Index Map.” Then put your address in, or simply hone in with your mouse on desktop until you can find Sunset Mesa, and you will get a reading.
Read more about Sunset Mesa
Here’s an article I wrote about Sunset Mesa for the L.A. Times.
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