The Northern California Honda Dealers Advertising Association is giving Honda owners (that’s ME! Is it you too?) an opportunity for their Honda “special moments” to be included in a short film produced and distributed online.
Your Honda “special moments” can include almost anything where a Honda vehicle has played a special role in your life, like:
- Going to college
- Driving you to the hospital for the birth of a child
- Your first vehicle owned as a married couple
- A memorable road trip taken in a Honda
- A Honda that’s been in the family for generations
- Any unique modifications done to a Honda that display your personality
- Why you chose Honda over another car brand
The key is to tell your story the best way you can. Be emotional, factual, exciting, entertaining…whatever works best for you.
Did I ever tell you about the time I put my pies in my trusy Honda Odyssey minivan to speed off to the pie festival? Yeah, that’s what I’m going to share in their contest as my special moment. See, I had these 5 or 6 pies, and I lovingly and oh, so carefully put them in my minivan. I put some on the floor, and several on the seats in the second row.
You know where I’m going with this right? You can see it coming…
I was heading there, dropping my daughter off at her soccer practice on the way to the contest, and I took a corner a little too sharply. The pie on the seat slid off, did a somersault, and landed face down on the floor. I was shocked, angry (I had worked for so many hours on those pies!), and more than a little profane. I think I taught my daughter a new word or two that day. Not pretty.

This is from the next year, when I put the pies in the front passenger seat and floor area.
But you know what I did? Luckily, it was a pecan pie, and was verrrry sturdy (not a lemon meringue or some other fancy-topped pie). It landed in one piece, so I was able to pick it up, plop it back into the pie pan, and I went on my way. Yep, I entered that baby in the pie contest. It didn’t win, but at least it looked reasonably OK! Sorry, I was so flustered and mad at myself that morning I forgot to take a picture of the gymnastic pie on the floor.
It’s really easy to enter their contest — just upload your entry by Jan. 31, 2015 at 11 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Your story must be 1,500 characters or less, and should include a photo showing you (or the owner) and the vehicle. Winning submissions will be featured in Honda’s #NorCalGetsIt campaign as short films.
If you’re selected as a winner your story will be re-imagined as a short film in Honda’s #NorCalGetsIt campaign. A little tip…be sure to read the rules before you enter to make sure you do everything possible to be chosen.
And, don’t forget to Follow NorCal Honda Dealers on Facebook.
Good luck all you Honda owners!
Disclosure: I was compensated for my time in preparing this post by The Northern California Honda Dealers Advertising Association. Thank you for supporting the brands I love and work with, which keeps the lights on here at Shockingly Delicious.
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