We are playing the Fruits and Veggies Sticker Game! Want to play along?
We eat a prodigious amount of fruits and vegetables in the Shockinglydelicious house. The other day, when I brought home 2 pints of blueberries, my daughter, 12, put dibs on one entire pint for herself. “One for the family, and one for me,” she said, giving my son the prophylactic stink-eye.
When I bring home a half flat (six boxes) of strawberries from the grower’s truck, two will disappear within 10 minutes. A 3-pound tray of apricots suffers the same fate; each kid will score 4-5 at a time.
Nothing makes me happier than mangoes three for $1 in season, and I’ll buy 12 at a time. The grocery checkers think I’m a nutball. If the grower has them on his truck, a flat of them will jump into the car.
But let’s face it, we can all eat more of the good stuff, even if we think we are doing well. So the other day I had this lightbulb moment – I am always yelling at the family not to pick off those little stickers from the fruit and randomly decorate the cabinets, the counter, the sofa, etc. (Why they can’t just put them in the trash, I dunno, but they can’t. And yes, I do realize as problems go, this isn’t the most thorny. I was having a mood, and I was sick of peeling off fruit stickers from any flat surface.)
So I made up a posterboard, put it on the frig and INVITED them to paste the fruit and veggie stickers on there. “Let’s fill it up as fast as possible,” I said, and we set to work.
We’ll keep you updated on our progress.
Want to play along with us? We welcome any other families who want to play the Fruits and Veggies Sticker Game. Let’s see who can fill up the poster fastest!
Leave us a comment below to tell us you are playing. And send us a photo of you and your own Fruits and Veggies Sticker Game poster. It will be a delicious game!
One more veggie idea
And here’s another ingenious idea for a simple way to get your kids to eat more fresh veggies…serve them in a canning jar. Somehow, cute jar = more veggies down the hatch! You can read about it my article over on Malibu Patch. My cover girl, Ashley, loves this canning jar strategy.
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We are playing also… I will forward you a pictue when we are further along…my lovely children now only pick out the fruit at the grocery store with stickers…
I keep meaning to tell you that we’re playing, too…I’m just not so good at uploading the pictures to the computer so our game is a little more old-fashioned 😉 Kids are happy to participate, though!
WOW! I love this idea. You are so creative. My kids are gonna love this artistic way to use those labels. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
Great idea Dorothy! Although I don’t think most of the fruit we consume has stickers – backyard fruit and farmers market fruit, mostly. But theoretically I’m right there with you!