You know those expensive chia seed drinks that are proliferating in the grocery store now? They’re fruity and fun, but pricy.
You can make your own, easily! A DIY chia drink is a matter of stirring some chia into your favored beverage and waiting awhile.
What are they like? If you want a full discussion, I talk about chia seeds here, but in short, they add a bit of thickness to your drink when they get wet. They’re like the inside of a tomato with the seed pocket…you know? A bit slimy and gluey (in a good way), a little bit like tiny boba. Wait, I know how to describe them. You know when you drink very pulpy orange juice? That’s what they add to a drink – texture, such as the pulp adds to orange juice.
Got it? Now don’t spend $5 on a bottle of chia seed lemonade. Make your own.
Recipe: Chia Meyer Lemonade
Summary: Make your own Chia seed drink by adding Chia seeds to homemade lemonade. Much cheaper than store-bought!
- 1 cup Meyer Lemonade (see simple recipe below)
- 1 teaspoon whole white chia seeds
- Stir chia into glass of lemonade and allow to stand for at least 30 minutes to hydrate the chia and release the gel that surrounds each seed.
To speed this drink up: For ease and efficiency of using the chia seeds in drinks, I like to hydrate them ahead of time. Simply put 1 tablespoon chia in a cup of water, allow to sit for a bit until it gets hydrated and gluey, and then refrigerate in a tight-lidded container. Then use about 1 tablespoon of this chia goop (or to your texture preference) in a glass of juice. OR, in this recipe, toss the seeds in the juice or lemonade the night before, or in the morning after breakfast, and they will be hydrated and ready for your lunchtime drink.
Quick notes
Melissa’s Produce sent the white chia seeds for recipe development.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Waiting time: 30 minutes
Diet type: Vegan, vegetarian
Number of servings (yield): 1
Culinary tradition: USA (general)
Recipe: Meyer Lemonade
Summary: Sweet, tart and lightly perfumed by the Meyer lemons and the hint of vanilla, this is classic lemonade at its best.
- 1 cup Meyer lemon juice
- 1 cup Vanilla Sugar (or use plain granulated sugar)
- 5 2/3 cups water
- In a large pitcher, stir lemon juice, sugar and water together for a minute, until sugar dissolves. Store Meyer Lemonade in the refrigerator.
Quick notes
You may use fresh lemon juice from regular lemons, but you may have to increase the sugar because Meyer lemons are naturally sweeter than regular lemons. Taste and suit yourself!
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Diet type: Vegetarian, vegan
Number of servings (yield): 6
Culinary tradition: USA (General)
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OK, I’m sold! Literally… I just went out and bought some chia seeds. Can’t wait to play around with them!
I am always way behind with the trends, but this looks like such a refreshing drink. Note to self: buy some chia seeds 🙂
Yes on that note to self. Yes!
Ok, gotta try this when I get hold of some vanilla sugar 🙂 ! Am drinking chia flavored water everyday coz it keeps me from feeling hungry. Adding this to my list of chia drinks. So refreshing !!!!
Great minds DO indeed think alike, Dorothy! I love your Meyer Lemonade w/ Chia…mmmm…..
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