Introducing Feijoas

by Dorothy Reinhold on November 29, 2012

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First of all, let’s get the pronunciation out of the way: fay-JO-a.

It’s a Pineapple Guava, shaped and sized like a green egg.

Give it a sniff and you might imagine pineapple, papaya, lemon, and maybe even a hint of eucalyptus or pine. When it is ripe (it will “give” to a gentle touch and be very fragrant), cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a little spoon, or simply squeeze it and suck it out if you aren’t puttin’ on airs. The skin can be tart or bitter, so usually isn’t eaten, although some people like it. If it isn’t quite ripe when you buy it, let it ripen on the counter at room temperature. You may refrigerate it for a week or two once it is ripe.

What do you do with it? Those who have tasted feijoa can get addicted to the beguiling fragrance and deliciously sophisticated sweet taste. Eat it out of hand, in salads, as a flavoring for ice cream or popsicles, or cook it into jam or jelly. Hmmm…I wonder if I could dehydrate them and make chewy feijoa snacks?

These feijoas, sent from Melissa’s Produce, the largest distributor of feijoas in the U.S.,  are grown in California, and sell for about $2.99 a pound.

Give this special fruit a try!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

spabettie November 29, 2012 at 1:07 pm

I would love to try one of these, since I love both pineapple and guava – need to see if I can find one!


Dorothy November 29, 2012 at 2:00 pm

Ask your produce guy to order some for you! And buy a few when you get them…you’ll want more than one because they are small. You can always go here to order: or call the Melissa’s hotline at (800) 588-0151 to see if they know who is carrying them near you.


Connie Kaiser November 29, 2012 at 11:49 am

WOW! Completely new to me!


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