Healthy Lunch Week

by Dorothy Reinhold on October 11, 2011

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If you have young people in your household, may I encourage you to help them understand where food comes from and the nutritional benefits that go along with the food they choose to eat?

This is National School Lunch Week (NSLW), a good time for us to focus on lunch since a good lunch is key to helping kids grow up strong and healthy. It’s not just diet, though, that has an impact on your child’s health. Lifestyle, how active we are and other conditions factor in.

To help us understand the problem and put it in context, the Master’s program in teaching at USC (my alma mater) has created an illuminating infographic, below. It’s a bit scary.

Let’s all work together to bring our childhood obesity problem under control. It’s good for ALL of us.

Childhood Obesity Epidemic Infographic

Brought to you by MAT@USC Masters in Teaching

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Kim October 11, 2011 at 10:36 pm

Eye opening. And a little sad. Thank you for passing it on!



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