We Got Portobello Poblano Grilled Gourmet Tacos Back on the Menu at Rubio’s!

by Dorothy Reinhold on April 10, 2011

Print This Post Print This Post Rubios Portobello Poblano Grilled Gourmet Taco on Shockingly Delicious

The Egyptians have nothing on my husband, the Professor. If he senses an injustice, he aims to right it.

So it was when Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill discontinued his favorite menu item a few months ago — the Portobello and Poblano Taco. The Professor and my son often go gallivanting around doing various sports on a Saturday or Sunday, and they derive culinary joy from stopping at sundry fast food joints to sample the latest menu creation. Apparently this taco was shockingly delicious.

Rubios Grilled Portobello Poblano Gourmet Taco from Shockinglydelicious.com

This baby is chock full o’ ‘shrooms, chiles and avocados. Mmmmm…avocados.

He came home dejected, plopped down at the computer, and fired off a complaint. It was one of those contact forms you fill out online, so he didn’t get a copy of it, but it went something like this:

“I was terribly disappointed to discover you have discontinued your terrific Portobello and Poblano taco.  Even the guy taking my order said he and his boss were disappointed, too. I have told so many people about these tacos. I wish you would return them to the menu. If you don’t, can you at least send me the recipe?”

I give him huge husband points for asking for the recipe!

He got a pleasant corporate note back from Joe Ortiz, addressed to “valued guest.” (I should say so, for a guy who tells all his mountain biking buddies about these tacos, and hounds them until they try them! Have you seen how much those guys can eat? But I digress…)

—–Original Message—–

From: Joe Ortiz [mailto:jortiz@rubios.com]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 8:05 AM
To: (my darling husband)
Subject: Rubios – Contact ID:2498063

Dear Valued Guest,

Thank you for taking time to contact Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill®.  Here at Rubio’s, we value your comments because they help us improve.

I am sorry for any disappointment you felt when your favorite item was not available. Our objective is to feature a variety of products and promotions throughout the year, often taking advantage of seasonal ingredients and specialties. We constantly look for opportunities to enhance our menu. Sometimes, that means permanent menu changes. Other times, it means limited-time product promotions. Please send me you name and address so I may send you a comp card so you can try some of our other great menu items.

I hope you will understand and continue to visit us to discover the unique Beach Mex flavors of Rubio’s.  To receive information on specials and future items or promotions, visit our website at www.rubios.com and join our ‘Beach Club’.  Thank you again for your feedback.

Joe Ortiz
District Manager
Rubios Restaurants

Nice try Joe. The Professor did send you his name and address, but no coupons or comp cards arrived. But we know you’re busy, and we don’t hold a grudge, so you get a pass on that one.

However, apparently his professorial passion for these tacos floated up through the bureaucratic layers at Rubio’s, until it landed squarely at the top, in the C-level offices.

Have you ever gotten a note from the Chief Operating Officer of a company? Nah, me either, but he did! (They still can’t figure out his name [“valued guest”], but again, we are not grudge-holders.) Yellow highlighting is mine!

—–Original Message—–

From: Tina Long [mailto:tlong@rubios.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 1:59 PM
To: (my darling husband)
Subject: Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill – Contact ID:2498063

Dear Valued Guest,

I read with interest your comments regarding our decision to remove the Portobello Poblano Grilled Gourmet Taco from our menu. Upon reflection and due in no small part to your passionate plea, we have decided to return this option to our menu on March 9, 2011.

We appreciate that you took the time to share your feedback with us as it helps to ensure we do the right thing for our guests. Your passion for our brand is what makes you one of our most important guests. I would like to send you a token of my appreciation for your loyalty to Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill. Please reply back with your mailing address.

We look forward to serving you again soon.

All the best!

Tina Long on behalf of,
Marc Simon
Chief Operating Officer
Rubio’s Restaurants, Inc.

He won! They’ve returned the Portobello Poblano Grilled Gourmet Taco back to the Rubio’s menu!

The Professor happily contemplates his favorite fast food lunch at Rubios.

Let’s give it a taste…

Maybe another little bite…

Yesss! It’s as shockingly delicious as he remembers!

Yahoo for whining, bitching and moaning when something doesn’t suit you! Hooray for speaking up!

Now that they’re back, have you ever tried one? You should. They’re shockingly delicious, if we do say so ourselves!

A description, from the menu:

“Corn tortillas topped with toasted cheese, habanero citrus salsa, grilled Portobello mushrooms and Poblano peppers, cilantro/onion, cotija cheese, creamy chipotle picante sauce and sliced avocado.

Yum. You could sooooo make that at home. Go ahead.

You’re welcome.

Rubios Grilled Portobello Poblano Gourmet Taco from Shockinglydelicious.com

The smoky beans that come on the side are great, too!

{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }

Erika August 26, 2013 at 9:21 am

They recently dropped them again. I am so disappointed. Nothing else is as good!


Dorothy Reinhold August 26, 2013 at 3:26 pm

Oh dang.


Alleasa August 1, 2013 at 4:15 pm

I was sooooo mad when they discontinued these it’s all I went for instead of the veggie max & I’m glad he complained now I really want to try to make these too especially since I’m prego and I crave it


michelle July 23, 2013 at 11:16 pm

Anyone have a recipe for the creamy chipotle sauce? Been looking everywhere for one close to Rubios! Seeing as to how they, yet again, discontinued these bad boys 🙁


Dorothy Reinhold July 24, 2013 at 5:14 pm

I don’t have a recipe for the creamy chipotle, but I’ll bet you could whip it up with sour cream or yogurt and chipotle, maybe a sprinkle of cumin, and a pinch of salt. Try it and let me know!


forest June 19, 2013 at 11:55 pm

Too bad they dumped them again. Let them know you are not happy. I just posted a sign on their FB page that will probably get removed tomorrow. 😉


Mari June 9, 2011 at 3:40 pm

I too had the same reaction the day I walked into my local Rubio’s and had my heart broken. Alas, I too experienced GREAT BLISS the day my husband dragged me back on “Taco Tuesday” to discover the return of my favorite tacos: Grilled Portobello & Poblano… YUM! There is no flavor comparison anywhere… 🙂


Michelle May 6, 2011 at 3:55 pm

I just read your story and wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for your successful efforts to get this taco back on the menu at Rubio’s. I went through serious withdrawal symptoms for several months, then nearly jumped for joy when it returned to the menu like a gift from heaven.

There’s something about the combinations of the grilled cheese, avocado slices, fresh poblanos and that yummy sauce … I would put that taco up against any upscale restaurant taco, veggie or otherwise.

Thanks again!


Dorothy May 6, 2011 at 4:32 pm

On behalf of my husband, you are soooo welcome!


sippitysup April 19, 2011 at 11:13 am

I had no idea Rubio’s had such great fare, I have never been. Is this item at all Rubio’s?? Must investigate soon. GREG


Dorothy May 2, 2011 at 9:14 am

I believe when they introduce or reintroduce an item, it is at all stores. Try it…very tasty! Be sure to use the hotsy totsy salsa, too.


Nancy@acommunaltable April 18, 2011 at 7:45 pm

Love this story!!! Will definitely have to give these a try the next time we are at Rubio’s!!!


Lana April 14, 2011 at 11:30 pm

This is something my husband would do, too! I think that I am going to make these tacos like next week – all I miss is the avocado:) Thanks for the great inspiration – can it get any easier?


Casey DelliCarpini April 10, 2011 at 11:03 am

Sigh. The picture at the bottom is my new desktop background. The hubby and I are on a diet, not a horrible one, but one that excludes one of our most favorite-est things: the almighty corn tortilla. Without it, well, I simply can’t speak of it without becoming emotional. There’s hope, however, and in a few more weeks when we can dine on real food again, this will be one of our first meals. Until then, my computer desktop is my new beacon of light…


Dorothy April 10, 2011 at 11:16 am

Awww, Casey, I don’t want to cause you any pain! Well, at least you know what awaits you when you are out of dietary jail.


Lentil Breakdown April 10, 2011 at 9:14 am

Wow! Way to go, Darling Husband! (though I found it disturbing that Tina Long is also married to your husband, but I know a good man is hard to find and sometimes we have to share). But I am very happy you shared this info also, as I stopped eating at Rubio’s (because of my sustainable fish beliefs) even though I always loved their fish tacos. I’m very excited to go give these a try!


Dorothy April 10, 2011 at 9:25 am

Tell me what you think of them after you try them!


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