How to Follow Me Since Google Reader Has Closed

by Dorothy Reinhold on July 1, 2013

Print This Post Print This Post How to Follow Shockingly Delicious Since Google Reader Has Closed

If you use Google Reader to follow the Shockingly Delicious feed, you must now choose a different reader, because Google Reader has shut down as of today.

Here are a couple of other options to follow my feed if you enjoy reading blogs in a news reader application instead of getting updates by email.

  1. Follow Shockingly Delicious with Feedly.
  2. Follow Shockingly Delicious on Bloglovin‘. One of the cool things about Bloglovin’ is the ability to organize the blogs you follow into categories. If you don’t want any email notifications, you can select that on the profile you set up at Bloglovin’ (which can be found where you see the ‘heart’ icon). Other email options are offered, with the default as one email per day listing new posts that day for the blogs you subscribe to through Bloglovin’.

Follow on Bloglovin
Of course, I also recommend you simply sign up with me to get email notifications when I have posted something new. They come straight into your inbox, without any middle men. So please follow me by email!

You can also follow me on a few other places if you are not already following me:

Twitter @shockinglydlish

I hope you will continue to be part of the Shockingly Delicious family. Your readership, camaraderie, comments and support mean the world to me!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Natalie M July 1, 2013 at 2:37 pm

I don’t know how I didn’t hear about this event, but somehow I missed it. Your post saved me not only by alerting me (just in the nick of time!) that I needed to take action, but also by helping me find a new reader (I went with Bloglovin). Thank you so much!


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