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Introducing Beet Greens — The Gateway Green

Attention all you juice lovers out there, when you buy beets for your red juice, what do you do with the green tops you cut off?

I hope you save them for a sauté, because beet greens are one of the most nutritious parts of the vegetable!

They’re also delicious, and I call beet tops the “gateway green” because people (even kids!) who think they don’t like greens are likely to adore them. Beet greens are often the best greens to introduce to children or others who might be wary of the flavor of more assertive or bitter cooking greens. Start with beet greens, and when they are accepted, work your way to spinach, and then kapow, move on to kale, mustard, turnip and collards.

Beet Greens on Shockingly Delicious [1]And I’m here to personally attest that even people who don’t like cooked beets love the greens.


Beet leaf on Shockingly Delicious [2]Cooking

It’s easy to be green when you start with beet greens. Just ask my kids!