Put away that tater chip bag. I have three words for you: Brussels Sprout Chips.
Do I need to say anything else? How about…
- they’re nutrient-dense and good for you
- they’re easy
- they’ll satisfy your crunchy-munchy needs
- they’re vegan, gluten-free, no additives, no dairy, no grains, no soy, no sugar, no nuthin’ you don’t want in there
- you’ll like them even if you are a B.S. hater
- (I promise)
I’m teaching you how to make this easy snack as part of October Unprocessed, a nationwide movement to go for a whole month eating only unprocessed food. If you can’t do it for a month, set your own goal and do it for as many meals or days as you can. So far, 5,500 people have taken the pledge with me this year. Won’t you join in?
Last year I showed you how to chipify something new and make Baby Bok Choy Chips. This year let’s make Brussels Sprout Chips. Get my easy Brussels Sprout Chip recipe over at Eating Rules, where October Unprocessed recipes reside.
It’s a whole month of eating food with ingredients you can actually pronounce.
Join me…you, your family and friends are worth it.
{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }
I love Brussels sprouts, and I would chow through this yummy little snack in no time! I love that it’s unprocessed and so, so good for you – a great replacement for typical snackies like potato chips!
Yep, Shelley, better make a large batch!
Very interesting. I’m going to need to have to try these out, I’ve never October Unprocessed but I love the idea!
It’s a yearly event! Hope you can join in!
You definitely had me at brussels sprout chips! My favorite part of roasted brussels sprouts are the crispy pieces that fall off – what a good idea to just make chips!!
The little browned leave-behinds…that’s the best part Cate!
I have never seen these before! They look so great and healthy!
You must try them!
I loved popping over to see this recipe in full! I was just thinking about brussels sprout chips the other day, and it is so amazing what people can do when creating their own meals. So much better than a bag of chips!
They ARE better than chips, IMHO. Hope you try them sometime!
I’m so glad that the conversation about unprocessed foods and the way we can give up processed ones
is gaining such a huge audience. Bravo!
I completely agree. It’s one step at a time.
I have an undying love for brussels sprouts and still have not made chips. You’ve convinced me I need to change that ASAP.
Then I predict these are gonna float your boat, BakeLoveGive!
Love this idea. Can’t wait to try it out.
Let me know how you like them!