Dorothy’s Tapenade Tomatoes

by Dorothy Reinhold on August 13, 2012

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 If we can call a two-ingredient concoction a “recipe” — and I think we can since I make the rules here in ShockD land — this is my favorite no-brainer summer appetizer recipe.

Cherry tomatoes in backyardGrab some cherry tomatoes out of the back yard or from the farmers market – pick up some yellow Sun Golds if you can find them – dollop on some tapenade, which is a fancy word for olive spread, and call it done. The natural sweetness of the tomato paired with the sharp, salty olive spread makes a party right there in your mouth.

I have a great recipe for tapenade  if you want to make it yourself (a quick whirl in the food processor), but I won’t scold if you buy a jarred version. It’s hot out there; conserve your strength!

Cherry tomatoes on a paper towel

Allow cut cherry tomatoes to dry out a bit on a paper towel.

Filling cherry tomatoes with tapenade

Use a baby spoon to spread the tapenade.

Make a lot of these. They are easy to pop into your mouth, and are addictive.

Tapenade Tomatoes on a leaf serving plate

Recipe: Dorothy’s Tapenade Tomatoes

Summary: Cherry tomatoes dolloped with tapenade are the best two-ingredient summer appetizer ever! The sweet tomato paired with the sharp, salty olives is perfect!


  • 1 basket cherry tomatoes
  • 1 jar prepared tapenade (chopped olive-caper spread), or homemade tapenade
  • For serving platter: 1 bunch fresh cilantro or Italian parsley (optional)


  1. Using a very sharp, thin knife, slice cherry tomatoes in half at the equator. Lightly tap cut half on a paper towel to absorb extra juice. Spread each half with a small dollop of prepared tapenade (use a baby spoon if you have one handy).
  2. Rinse cilantro and dry in a salad spinner or roll in a paper towel to dry. Arrange leaves on a pretty serving plate as a bed of greens. Set each tomato half, cut side up, on the cilantro-covered plate. This helps the tomato halves set securely so they don’t roll around.
  3. Serve at room temperature.
  4. Make as many as you need, allowing 3-4 halves for each person.

Quick notes

You can find prepared tapenade, which is sometimes called olive spread, near the other jarred olives in a well-stocked supermarket. Trader Joe’s also sells a good version.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Diet type: Vegetarian, Vegan
Number of servings (yield): 8
My rating 5 stars:  ★★★★★ 

Cherry tomatoes growing in the back yard

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Lentil Breakdown August 14, 2012 at 6:03 am

3-4 per person? Now you tell me. I am officially a pig.


Dorothy August 14, 2012 at 7:08 am

Lentil Breakdown,
You and me both!


Valentina August 13, 2012 at 8:05 am

these were incredibly delicious! and so cute! 😉


Dorothy August 13, 2012 at 1:39 pm



Dorothy August 13, 2012 at 1:49 pm

This is an awesome use of tapenade. If you have any left over, toss with hot pasta!


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